What to Expect While at CareerTech
New Student Orientation – offered in May beginning at Career Tech.
Level 1 Curriculum in your program
Student Procedure & Safety Trainings
Counseling Office classroom sessions: Topics covered by the counselors regarding supports available, what to expect this year, career options, financial aid, SAT’S, college credits, importance of grades, bullying awareness, suicide awareness, and so much more.
Complete Career Objective Form with Instructor, Parent, and Counselor
Career Cruising Session: Learning Styles Inventory and Career Matchmaker
Individual Career Session completed with the counselor
Start earning certifications in the program
Opportunity to join HOSA, DECA, FFA, or SkillsUSA
Take the Pre-NOCTI
Plus so much more!
Level 2 Curriculum in your program (or level 1 if attending for first time)
Start Creating your Career Portfolio: Resume, Cover email, etc.
Student Procedure & Safety Trainings
Counseling Office classroom sessions: Topics covered by the counselors regarding supports available, what to expect this year, career options, financial aid, SAT’S, college credits, importance of grades, bullying awareness, suicide awareness, and so much more.
Complete Career Objective Form with Instructor, Parent, and Counselor
Continue earning certifications in the program
You may be nominated for NTHS (National Technical Honor Society)
Opportunity to join, be active, or run for an officer position in HOSA, DECA, FFA, or SkillsUSA
Take the Pre-NOCTI (if a level 1 student)
Take advantage of job shadowing opportunities
Plus so much more!
Level 3 Curriculum in your program (or level 1 or 2)
Finish your Career Portfolio and take home: Resume, Cover email, etc.
Student Procedure & Safety Trainings
Counseling Office classroom sessions: Topics covered by the counselors regarding supports available, what to expect this year, career options, financial aid, SAT’S, college credits, importance of grades, bullying awareness, suicide awareness, and so much more.
Complete Career Objective Form with Instructor, Parent, and Counselor
Finish earning certifications in the program
You may be nominated for NTHS (National Technical Honor Society)
Option to attend our scholarship writing workshop
Opportunity to join, be active, or run for an officer position in HOSA, DECA, FFA, or SkillsUSA
Individual Career Session completed with the counselor
Cooperative Education or internship option
Take advantage of job shadowing opportunities
Take the NOCTI Written and Performance Assessment
Attend Senior Awards Night in April/May
Plus so much more!