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National Technical Honor Society (NTHS)

How do I become a member of NTHS?

Your teacher is responsible for nominating you during the semester you are in attendance during your 11th or 12th grade year. 

What are the minimum requirements?
  • You must have a CUM GPA of at least 3.0.
  • You must have an A in class, a minimum of a 92% in your CareerTech program.
  • You must have good attendance, grades, and attitude.

Is there a cost?
  • Yes, $30.00, but you pay a $10.00 activity fee.  CareerTech pays the $20.00 balance.  

What is included in my package and when do I receive it all?
  • You will receive your certificate and tassel at the senior awards ceremony, in May of your graduating year.  You may purchase additional items such as cords, tees, and ropes from the NTHS website.  If you miss your awards ceremony, items will be delivered to your sending school.

Other information:
  • You may be a member of NHS at your sending school and NTHS at CareerTech.  That means you are OUTSTANDING!
  • This honor looks amazing on your resume.
  • You will be eligible to apply for NTHS scholarships, earn discounts on services, have access to recommendations from the honor society, and more.
  • Go to for more information.