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Capstone Cooperative Education

Cooperative Education is a method of instruction that blends school and workplace learning and is most often tied to career and technical education. Workplace learning is defined as experiential activities that engage the student learner in learning and prepare young people for the world of work. At the worksite, student learners work directly with a supervisor or a mentor over a semester, to observe, assist, and accomplish work tasks. Cooperative education student learners usually progress from observing and performing simple tasks to performing tasks requiring more responsibility and more complex skills. Student learners receive academic credit for their work. Student learners will be supervised and required to check in regularly, as well as complete logs with the Workforce Development Coordinator. “Co-op is more than a part-time job; it is an extension of classroom learning.”

    Process for Applying for a Capstone Cooperative Education Experience at FCCTC 

 1. Click here to begin the process of your Cooperative Education Experience.      

 2. After completing the form in Step 1, you should receive 2 emails containing your Training Agreement and Training Plan.

         a. For your Training Agreement:

              i. Complete all of the information that it is asking you for at the top of the form.

              ii. Read the form carefully so that you know what is expected of you.

             iii. Sign in all of the sections that it asks you to sign.

        b. For your Training Plan:

             i. Make sure that you read all of the skills your instructor has set for you to work on during your experience.

           ii. Read all of the information in the training plan so that you know what is expected of you.

          iii. Sign in the section that it asks you to sign.

 3. Download the Remind App and use the code @ctworks (this will be used to communicate important information while you are on Co-op)

4. When your Training Agreement and Training Plan have been signed by all parties you will receive an email notification.

You Have a CoOp job, Now What?

Now that you have your Training Agency and you are ready to begin your CoOp experience, you will need to add your CoOp schedule and log your hours weekly in the JobReady section of the Career Tech website. This is a requirement for all CoOp students. Below are the instructions on how to do that.

     Adding Your Schedule:

      1. Log into JobReady WBL on your computer. This can be found on the Career Tech home page on the right hand side under Web Apps.

       2. On the left-hand side click on SCHEDULE.

       3. In the dropdown menu under WBL Work Log click on your work experience.

       4. Click the blue Add button and add your scheduled work days and times then click the blue button that says Schedule Event.

  Completing your work log:

       1. Log into Jobready WBL on your computer. This can be found on the Career Tech home page on the right hand side under Web Apps.

       2.On the left-hand side click on SCHEDULE.

        3. Click on the orange box for the day that you work.

        4. In the DESCRIPTION section, write 2-3 sentences detailing what you did at work that day.

        5. In the SKILLS ADDRESSED section, use the dropdown menu to select 2-3 skills you worked on that day.

        6. Click on the blue button that says SAVE CHANGES.


 On the Jobready WBL App:

1.Scan the QR code and download the JobReady App

2. Log into the Jobready WBL app on your phone

3. At the beginning of your shift log into the app and click the button that says CLOCK IN.

4. At the end of your shift log into the app and click the button that says CLOCK OUT.

5. Once you end your shift you will be prompted to write a description. Write 2-3 sentences detailing what you did at work that day.

6. Select 2-3 skills from the drop-down menu that you worked on